Tyler Estro

Tyler Estro

 Ph.D. Candidate
 File Systems and Storage Lab (FSL)

 Advisor: Professor Erez Zadok
 E: testro [at] cs [dot] stonybrook [dot] edu

 Google Scholar


I'm a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. I'm a member of the File Systems and Storage Lab (FSL) and affiliated with the Institute for AI-Driven Discovery and Innovtion. My main research topics are multi-tier storage caching systems, performance modeling, visualization, artificial intelligence, disaggregated memory, and CXL technology.

If you see me around, ask me about my research, hobbies, or just say hello and blankly stare. I'm always looking for new opportunities and collaborations. :)


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science - SUNY Stony Brook University, NY. (2018-Current)
  • B.S. in Software Technology - SUNY Farmingdale, NY.
  • A.S. in Business Administration - SUNY Suffolk, NY.

Graduate Coursework

Work Experience

  • Research Assistant: File Systems and Storage Lab, Stony Brook University, NY. (May 2018-Current)
  • High Performance Computing Assistant: Institute for Advanced Computational Science, Stony Brook University, NY. (Aug 2017-May 2018)

Teaching Experience



Academic Projects

  • RISC64IM CPU Core: Implementation of a fully functional processor core for the RISC64IM ISA in System Verilog. Included a 5-stage data path, set-associative L1 and L2 caches with write-back and LRU replacement policies, victim caching, translation lookaside buffers, and dynamic branch prediction.
  • Per-process system calls: Independently developed a Linux kernel-based module that enabled each process to have their own system call vector. Supported dynamically uploading new system calls and vector assignment via command line ioctl input.
  • TRFS: A stackable Linux file system based off the “wrapfs” file system used to trace file system activity, featuring record checksum validation and incremental ioctl support.
  • Designed logic programming problems for the ICLP 2016 LP/CP Programming Contest (Teaching Brackets and Subway Tickets). [ICLP 2016]


  • Best Paper Award, 27th IEEE International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS '19), October 2019, Rennes, France
  • First Place in the "Battle of the Brains" Programming Competition, SUNY Suffolk, NY. (2012)
  • Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarship (CSEMS), SUNY Suffolk, NY. (2012)