Tyler Estro

Tyler Estro

 Ph.D. Candidate
 File Systems and Storage Lab (FSL)

 Advisor: Professor Erez Zadok
 E: testro [at] cs [dot] stonybrook [dot] edu

 Google Scholar


I'm a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. I'm a member of the File Systems and Storage Lab (FSL) and affiliated with the Institute for AI-Driven Discovery and Innovtion. The primary focus of my research is the exploration and optimization of heterogeneous multi-tier storage caching systems.

If you see me around, ask me about my research, hobbies, or just say hello and blankly stare. I'm always looking for new opportunities and collaborations. :)


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science - SUNY Stony Brook University, NY. (2018-Current)
  • B.S. in Software Technology - SUNY Farmingdale, NY.
  • A.S. in Business Administration - SUNY Suffolk, NY.

Graduate Coursework

Work Experience

  • Research Assistant: File Systems and Storage Lab, Stony Brook University, NY. (May 2018-Current)
  • High Performance Computing Assistant: Institute for Advanced Computational Science, Stony Brook University, NY. (Aug 2017-May 2018)

Teaching Experience



Academic Projects

  • RISC64IM CPU Core: Implementation of a fully functional processor core for the RISC64IM ISA in System Verilog. Included a 5-stage data path, set-associative L1 and L2 caches with write-back and LRU replacement policies, victim caching, translation lookaside buffers, and dynamic branch prediction.
  • Per-process system calls: Independently developed a Linux kernel-based module that enabled each process to have their own system call vector. Supported dynamically uploading new system calls and vector assignment via command line ioctl input.
  • TRFS: A stackable Linux file system based off the “wrapfs” file system used to trace file system activity, featuring record checksum validation and incremental ioctl support.
  • Designed logic programming problems for the ICLP 2016 LP/CP Programming Contest (Teaching Brackets and Subway Tickets). [ICLP 2016]


  • Best Paper Award, 27th IEEE International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS '19), October 2019, Rennes, France
  • First Place in the "Battle of the Brains" Programming Competition, SUNY Suffolk, NY. (2012)
  • Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Scholarship (CSEMS), SUNY Suffolk, NY. (2012)