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2 Background

  Our work is implemented in and on SunOS 4.1.2. We have changed the kernel's client-side NFS implementation, and outside the operating system we have made use of the Amd automounter and the RLP resource location protocol. Each is explained briefly below.

2.1 NFS

  Particulars about the NFS protocol and implementation are widely known and published [20,12,9,19]. For the purpose of our presentation, the only uncommon facts that need to be known are:

We have made substantial alterations to au_lookuppn(), and slight alterations to rfscall(), nfs_mount(), nfs_unmount() and copen().[*] We added two new system calls: one for controlling and querying the added structures in the kernel, and the other for debugging. Finally, we added fields to three major kernel data structures: vnode and vfs structures and the open file table.

2.2 RLP

  We use the RLP resource location protocol [1] when seeking a replacement file system. RLP is a general-purpose protocol that allows a site to send broadcast or unicast request messages asking either of two questions:
Do you (recipient site) provide this service?
Do you (recipient site) know of any site that provides this service?

A service is named by the combination of its transport service (e.g., TCP), its well-known port number as listed in /etc/services, and an arbitrary string that has meaning to the service. Since we search for an NFS-mountable file system, our RLP request messages contain information such as the NFS transport protocol (UDP [16]), port number (2049) and service-specific information such as the name of the root of the file system.

2.3 Amd

  Amd [15] is a widely-used automounter daemon. Its most common use is to demand-mount file systems and later unmount them after a period of disuse; however, Amd has many other capabilities.

Amd operates by mimicking an NFS server. An Amd process is identified to the kernel as the ``NFS server'' for a particular mount point. The only NFS calls for which Amd provides an implementation are those that perform name binding: lookup, readdir, and readlink. Since a file must have its name resolved before it can be used, Amd is assured of receiving control during the first use of any file below an Amd mount point. Amd checks whether the file system mapped to that mount point is currently mounted; if not, Amd mounts it, makes a symbolic link to the mount point, and returns to the kernel. If the file system is already mounted, Amd returns immediately.

An example, taken from our environment, of Amd's operation is the following. Suppose /u is designated as the directory in which all user file systems live; Amd services this directory. At startup time, Amd is instructed that the mount point is /n. If any of the three name binding operations mentioned above occurs for any file below /u, then Amd is invoked. Amd consults its maps, which indicate that /u/foo is available on server bar. This file system is then mounted locally at /n/bar/u/foo and /u/foo is made a symbolic link to /n/bar/u/foo. (Placing the server name in the name of the mount point is purely a configuration decision, and is not essential.)

Our work is not dependent on Amd; we use it for convenience. Amd typically controls the (un)mounting of all file systems on the client machines on which it runs, and there is no advantage to our work in circumventing it and performing our own (un)mounts.

2.3.1 How Our Work Goes Beyond Amd

Amd does not already possess the capabilities we need, nor is our work a simple extension to Amd. Our work adds at least three major capabilities:

Amd keeps a description of where to find to-be-mounted file systems in ``mount-maps.'' These maps are written by administrators and are static in the sense that Amd has no ability for automated, adaptive, unplanned discovery and selection of a replacement file system.
Because it is only a user-level automount daemon, Amd has limited means to monitor the response of rfscall() or any other kernel routine.

Many systems provide a tool, like nfsstat, that returns timing information gathered by the kernel. However, nfsstat is inadequate because it is not as accurate as our measurements, and provides weighted average response time rather than measured response time. Our method additionally is less sensitive to outliers measures both short-term and long-term performance.

Our mechanism provides for transparently switching open files from one file system to its replacement.

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Erez Zadok