Alexander Joukov

Stony Brook, NY 11790 · (631) 988-1923 ·

I'm an experienced full-stack software engineer and researcher from Stony Brook, New York, with a focus on developing efficient data systems. I'm currently pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Science at Stony Brook University, where I have a 4.0 GPA.


Software Engineering REU Intern

Program Analysis, Software Testing, and Applications Laboratory (PASTA Lab) at Carnegie Mellon University

Analyzed 60k+ python git commits using Sourcegraph’s GraphQL API to build a comprehensive datetime bug benchmark suite. Produced a bug-detection program using CodeQL to identify unstable code patterns and automatically generate pull request patches.

Presented poster.

May 2024 - August 2024

Research Fellow

File Systems and Storage Lab (FSL) at Stony Brook University

Built an I/O scheduler in the Linux kernel to prioritize fast block device requests, reducing average latency and thereby enhancing system responsiveness and disk performance on many machines.

Developed a machine learning model to predict I/O request latencies with high accuracy.

Utilized red-black trees for I/O re-ordering and spinlocks for thread-safe synchronization.

November 2023 - Present

Software Engineer

ModelizeIT Inc.

Graph Optimization: Improved optimization algorithms for creating graphical representations of IT component webs that reduce edge overlapping and graph size by recursively shifting the positions of components’ child nodes and connection edge placements.

Real-time Data System: Developed a back-end data system and web interface for real-time data filtering and sorting, complete with a RESTful API for efficient system data management. It treads linked lists and trees of IT data and packages them into JSON files in user-requested forms to be received and displayed by the Javascript front-end, supporting hundreds of thousands of components.

System Management: Set up and managed AWS VM instances, CyberArk integrations, and the Microsoft Intune Policy Manager.

November 2021 - Present


ModelizeIT Inc.

Developed an account generation program and analyzed email verification data using NumPy to reveal a security flaw in 70% of the leading US websites, resulting in a publication in HAISA’23.

May 2023 - July 2023

Student Mentor

The City Tutors

Committed to empowering students and adults traditionally underrepresented in personalized tutoring and mentoring. Offer one-on-one STEM tutoring in Physics, Calculus, and more to Bronx students, fostering their journey into the professional world with personalized support and guidance.

March 2022 - Present

Student Research Assistant

Stony Brook University, Department of Pathology

Analyzed single-cell RNA sequencing data and differentiation markers from mutant mice using Excel to uncover the cell regulatory networks that control normal and diseased skin states, resulting in a publication in JID.

May 2023 - July 2023

Programming Languages & Tools


Stony Brook University

Bachelor of Science
Honors College + CS Honors Program
Competitive Programming/ICPC

GPA: 4.0

June 2026 Expected Graduation
CSE 534: Graduate Computer Networks
CSE 487: Research in Computer Science
CSE 475: Undergraduate Teaching Practicum (TA for CSE 548: Graduate Algorithms)
CSE 385: Honors Advanced Algorithms - 1st in class
CSE 355: Computational Geometry
CSE 320: Systems Fundamentals II
CSE 316: Fundamentals of Software Development
CSE 300: Technical Communication in Computer Science
CSE 260: Computer Science B: Honors
CSE 220: Systems Fundamentals I
CSE 160: Computer Science A: Honors - 1st in class
CSE 150: Honors Mathematics for Computer Science - 1st in class
MAT 308: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
MAT 307: Multivariable Calculus with Linear Algebra
AMS 311: Probability Theory
AMS 310: Probability and Statistics - 1st in class
AMS 301: Finite Mathematical Structures


DNp63 Regulates Homeostasis, Stemness, and Suppression of Inflammation in the Adult Epidermis

The Journal of Investigative Dermatology (JID)


The p63 transcription factor is critical for epidermis formation in embryonic development, but its role in the adult epidermis is poorly understood. In this study, we show that acute genetic ablation of ΔNp63, the main p63 isoform, in adult epidermis disrupts keratinocyte proliferation and self-maintenance and, unexpectedly, triggers an inflammatory psoriasis-like condition. Mechanistically, single-cell RNA sequencing revealed the downregulation of cell cycle genes, upregulation of differentiation markers, and induction of several proinflammatory pathways in ΔNp63-ablated keratinocytes. Intriguingly, ΔNp63-ablated cells disappear by 3 weeks after ablation, at the expense of the remaining nonablated cells. This is not associated with active cell death and is likely due to reduced self-maintenance and enhanced differentiation. Indeed, in vivo wound healing, a physiological readout of the epidermal stem cell function, is severely impaired upon ΔNp63 ablation. We found that the Wnt signaling pathway (Wnt10A, Fzd6, Fzd10) and the activator protein 1 (JunB, Fos, FosB) factors are the likely ΔNp63 effectors responsible for keratinocyte proliferation/stemness and suppression of differentiation, respectively, whereas IL-1a, IL-18, IL-24, and IL-36γ are the likely negative effectors responsible for suppression of inflammation. These data establish ΔNp63 as a critical node that coordinates epidermal homeostasis, stemness, and suppression of inflammation, upstream of known regulatory pathways.

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July 2023

Six-Year Study of Emails Sent to Unverified Addresses

The IFIP International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2023)


In addition to a username and password, more and more websites are requiring an email address during account creation. But often, users are granted full access before email verification, allowing them to create accounts using others’ email addresses. As a result, emails sent to such users will instead end up in the true owners’ inboxes. These emails can contain private data ranging from personally identifiable information to banking details and social security numbers. Additionally, the true owner can reset the password and access the account directly. But regardless of potential malicious action, both the user and the true owner face negative consequences.
In this paper, we enumerate the prevalence of this shortcoming by manually analyzing account accessibility before email verification on leading United States websites—72% of them failed to restrict potentially harmful actions. Then, we used our rare opportunity to use a short, dictionaryword Gmail address to analyze unverified emails over the course of six years. We categorize the exposed private data and reveal user risks. We aim to bring attention to the dangers of this security flaw and call for the development of new privacy policies.

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June 2023



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Developed a parking availability app using React, MongoDB, and Heroku to provide a real-time heatmap of urban street parking based on historical crowdsourced user contributions.

October 2024

3D Visuals Library

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Extended the Java 2D environment to allow for three dimensional objects.
Used vector mathematics to calculate the user's perspective, basic ray-tracing, and object velocities and accelerations.
Developed a separate model generation program and class creator. Created runtime optimizations, such as temporarily ignoring out-of-frame/blocked objects.

September 2021 - June 2022


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Developed a trading algorithm using Keras’ RNN and a custom reinforcement learning algorithm to predict close price probability distributions and optimal trades. It’s running on an AWS EC2 VM connected to the IBKR API. Outperforms the market in 10-fold cross-validation.

June 2023 - Present


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Engineered a streaming service overlay which pauses playback whenever a keyword is detected by the OpenAI Whisper API to display a random user-inputted dare. Runner-up of the Creativity category at Stony Brook University’s HopperHacks 2024 with 400 participants.

February 2024

Chess AI

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Created a Java program that generates and plays chess moves by traversing move trees.
Estimates positional evaluations through piece values, positions, and activity levels.

June 2021 - September 2021

Large Language Model

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Developed an LLM with TensorFlow and Keras' RNN model to predict future chars.
Trained on data scraped from social media networks. When ran in a self-feeding loop, the model produces fully-comprehensible text.

June 2023 - August 2023

Fractal Generator

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Developed a program in Java that generates the Mandelbrot fractal by calculating the number of iterations after which each coordinate exits the set.
The program allows you to view, pan, and zoom indefinitely into the fractal.

December 2021 - January 2022

Self-sufficient Surveillance Camera Setup

Wired together Raspberry Pi Zero W to solar panels and micro-cameras.
Set up and dubugged the the MotionEyeOS operating system to work with the installed devices.
The camera system is capable of true wireless surveillance with up to 99.9% up-time.

June 2021 - August 2021
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